Brother 2

I am picking up on the information from my researcher relative (see ‘Dewsbury once more’ that two brothers came over from Ireland. I have now established that one of these was Thomas Stanley (Brother 1). He was born around 1829 and probably died in 1857. After the success of my previous speculation, I am…

Dewsbury once more

It seems that the researchers with whom I am in contact are not my relatives. (see ‘Multiple Clans’ And most of my relatives do not appear to be researchers. This all changed when the wonders of DNA threw out a solid connection to someone with a sizeable family tree. At long last! A very…

The death of Bridget, and more on Thomas

Having located a record for the death of Thomas (b 1873, d 1908), I looked for the record for Bridget. It was not hard to find. Bridget, from Rockfield, the widow of a labourer, died in the workhouse in March 1909. She was 70, making her date of birth around 1839. She died of…

Irish Petty Sessions

In order to access all possible records, it would be necessary to take out a lot of subscriptions to a great number of websites. The cost will exceed £500 per annum. I have switched providers more than once. All of the major providers are adding to their collections. If you have not looked at a…