What would I have done?

As mentioned in “The Irish Pimpernel” and “A helpful suggestion” I have been unable to find Patrick in 1900 or 1901. I started to wonder what I would have done in his situation. What was that situation? His father, John, had died in 1898 when Patrick was 15. By some distance (10 years), he was…

Double checking – part 2

This is the second post (see Double checking – part 1 for the rest of the story) following up, and correcting, my post titled ‘Definitely related’ (Dated September 2020), in which I recorded the following: John (born 1866, son of GGF John) is staying in Dewsbury with Catherine (b 1851-1857 – his half-sister) at the…

Caution: automated technology at work

There is significant competition between the websites that publish genealogical information. More records are added on a regular basis. New “bells and whistles” are added to improve the attractiveness, and functionality, of each site. The Genealogist (https://www.thegenealogist.co.uk/) recently added a map function to the 1911 census returns. When you have found an address of interest,…

Where to go

Some of the reasons for moving location were covered in ‘Why move’. Once someone had decided to move the next question is where to go. There may have been a few people who used the random “pin in a map” method. It was far more common to follow established paths. In the early 1900s, my…

The death of Bridget, and more on Thomas

Having located a record for the death of Thomas (b 1873, d 1908), I looked for the record for Bridget. It was not hard to find. https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/images/deaths_returns/deaths_1909/05468/4530647.pdf Bridget, from Rockfield, the widow of a labourer, died in the workhouse in March 1909. She was 70, making her date of birth around 1839. She died of…

Mary Stanley

On March 18th 1887, Mary Stanley, age 19, married Patrick Muldoon, age 22, in Cams RC Church. Mary was the daughter of John Stanley, a labourer. This is the second child of the Stanley & Ormsby marriage. (See ‘The Ormsby connection’) The witnesses were John Stanley and Catherine Farrell. Mary is recorded as being a…