It is always pleasing when someone responds to a blog with a helpful suggestion. In “Irish Pimpernel” I stated that I still have no idea where Patrick was at the time of the (UK & Ireland) 1901 Census. My correspondent suggested that I look at North America. The 1900 (American) Census records the presence of…
All posts tagged Massachusetts
Massachusetts Bridget
This is the fourth blog exploring what happened to the children of the marriage between John Stanley and Winifred Kenney after they arrived in America. This time it is the turn of Bridget. Bridget’s exact date of birth is not known. Working back from the age recorded on her death certificate would indicate 1865. A…
Massachusetts John
This is the third blog exploring what happened to the four children of the marriage of John Stanley to Winifred Kenney. See Massachusetts Mary and Massachusetts Thomas for the previous two articles. John was born in Islands, Roscommon on American Independence Day 1874. The best fit for his voyage to America is on the Cephalonia…
Massachusetts Thomas
I am continuing to explore the descendants of John Stanley and Winifred Kenney. (See Massachusetts Mary) This time it is the turn of Thomas. Civil registration started in Ireland in 1865. This doesn’t mean that all births after that time were recorded, but the majority of them were duly registered. Thomas was born on 21st…
Massachusetts Mary
If you can’t go back, then go forward! I realise that not everyone is as obsessive in hunting down obscure clues as me. I found a whole chapter of my wife’s ancestry when I googled the name of one of her relatives. It turned out that a second cousin had been publishing a blog for…
Mary Kenny and others
As explained in ‘Room at the Inn’, Uriah Senior and his wife Catherine/Kate (nee Stanley) seemed to be willing to share what little they had with others. In 1881 Uriah and Kate have Irish born Mary Kenny, born 1859, lodging with them. This was before they started their family. Unfortunately, the census does not have…
Boston Pilot
I am conscious that many of those emigrating from Roscommon ended up in America. For 90 years (from 1831 to 1921) a newspaper called the Boston Pilot published a ‘Missing Friends’ column. Photo: Boston Harbour in the mid 1800s Source:,_by_Soule,_John_P.,_1827-1904.jpg (cropped) The database has over 40,000 records. ( ) (now behind a paywall) Advertisements…
Thomas Stanley (b 1873)
Thomas seemed to disappear after his birth. He is not recorded on the 1901 Irish census. There is no good match for him in England either. This made me suspect that he had emigrated. I spent a lot of time scanning passenger lists. Hours were spent on the census returns in the USA. In June…